

What are we doing?

We would like to open a self-help workshop for bicycles at TUM. Until we can make this plan a reality, we have been hosting whole-day Pop-Up Workshops since October 2022 in Munich, Garching and Freising. Since summer 2023, we are offering regular Open Tool Sessions in Garching during some hours in the afternoon. The Open Tool Sessions always take place next to StudiTUM Garching, during the summer semester 2024 every Tuesday 3:30-6 pm as long as the weather is fine. Our next Pop-Up Workshop is going to take place May 16th in the courtyard in front of TUM north campus in Munich city centre. See you there! 🙂 Also, we are going to take part in the Sustainability Festival in Garching, June 12th, and coming to Freising on the afternoon of June 17th!

Follow us on Instagram (@reparad_tum) to keep updated for the next event!

Learn more about the concept here.


Through ReparadTUM, we want to bring cycling to the awareness of students and employees and create an incentive to use bicycles in everyday life. In addition, roadworthy and functional bicycles contribute to safe road traffic. With our project, we want to be an inspiration for green mobility and shape the Garching campus with a sustainable project.


Who are we?

We are a young bike enthusiastic team and we want to make a change on campus with a sustainable and solidarity project. Some of us are already repair “professionals” and others have no idea about it (yet) 😉 – Everyone is welcome to join us.


If you want to join us in this project, there are various possibilities in our different teams. Whether
you have time during the whole semester or only occasionally, whether you like to screw things
together or prefer to organize, whether you are based in the city centre or more in Garching – we are happy about every new team member! Just get in touch with us, we are looking forward meeting you! 🙂

Our Social Media

Sponsors & Funding

Since the start of our project, we have been lucky to get some funding to buy our tools and get the project running! Read more about our supporters VCD (Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V.) and Academicus – TUM.