Vision 2030

Sustainability, “[…] development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. From this original definition, the special role of universities in sustainable development emerges. They educate future generations, are role models for them and therefore also bear responsibility. As the current generation of students at the Technical University of Munich, we would like to make our contribution to this and work together with all other status groups towards the goal of a sustainable university.

For this purpose, we as the Department for the Environment of the student representation have formulated our wishes and objectives in the Vision 2030. This vision focuses on the topics of education and research, mobility, campus design, energy, nutrition, university policy and governance, social responsibility and divestment. Concrete goals are an annual sustainability report, an environmental certification and the internal implementation of university-generated knowledge and technologies. With this, we call for initiative on the part of the university and would like to provide ourselves with guidance for future work.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Send us an email at!

Our vision 2030 statement is currently only available in German, however we have an automatically-translated copy available here for your convenience: Automatically-translated English version

Disclaimer: This automatically-translated version has not been manually reviewed and may contain translation and formatting errors. It is only provided for the reader’s convenience and may not be distributed.

Urgent Measures for Sustainability at TUM

The rapid and effective implementation of the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030 requires the provision of extensive resources. In order to draw attention to this fact, we have identified structural changes based on our Vision 2030 and summarised them in a package of immediate measures.