Academic Energy Cooperative

Did you ever dream of actively participating in the transformation of our energy system?
Exploring various economic approaches and driving forward exciting projects? 🔋
Join us for on our journey towards establishing an academic energy cooperative! ♻️
Energy cooperatives have proven successful throughout Germany. These initiatives, driven by citizen engagement, promote the local transition to renewable energy. By fostering democratic participation and sharing profits among members, they also represent an alternative economic model.
At TUM, we have a unique framework to explore the possibilities of an academic energy cooperative. Students, researchers, staff and professors can contribute their different fields of expertise and apply it in practical ways. As a vibrant community, we can bring together the right people to extend the concept of energy cooperatives beyond rapid transformation towards a sustainable energy system – and connect it to teaching, research and entrepreneurship by providing a space for practical application and proof-of-concept studies.
The aim of the cooperative is to promote the transformation of the energy industry towards ecologically sustainable energy generation, supply and use, and the associated economic utilization.
The commitment of the members of the cooperative is driven by the ecological and social responsibility to limit man-made climate change by substituting fossil energy sources as quickly as possible. The necessary effectiveness of the cooperative is based on professional economic value creation. Only secondarily do the members pursue personal commercial interests.